Botswana Public Officers’ Medical Aid Scheme (BPOMAS) is happy to announce its donation of Three Million Pula (P3,000,000) to the COVID 19 Relief Fund. The donation was in the form of Testing Kits which were presented to the Ministry of Health and Wellness to aid at the crucial diagnostic stage, and cash to the Relief Fund itself.
“The Management Committee, Executive Management and Staff of BPOMAS felt an obligation to assist government in its fight against this pandemic. As a corporate citizen, BPOMAS saw it fit to bolster the crucial testing phase by ensuring an adequate supply of the kits and reagents. The Pandemic is not the Government’s fight alone, and with this small token, we are playing our part and we hope to urge others to heed the call and make a difference,” said BPOMAS Chief Executive Officer Mr. Thulaganyo Molebatsi.
BPOMAS urges its members and the public at large to continue observing all COVID-19 Protocols in these trying times to curb the spread and eradicate this scourge. BPOMAS remains committed to member and public education.
Your Health is Our Concern.